The Top 3 Reasons People Put Off Visits To The Dentist

The Top 3 Reasons People Put Off Visits To The Dentist

It seems like we can always come up with a reason to forego visiting the dentist. Perhaps it’s too cold outside to drive anywhere, or maybe there are ‘more important’ things to do, when really we know that visiting the dentist for scheduled cleanings and maintenance is a very important part of our overall health. Even though we may make excuses, there are some common reasons many of us make to convince ourselves that a dental office visit is something we should put off until tomorrow.

Here are the top three reasons people put off visits to the dentist:

1. Don’t have the time. This is by far the most commonly reported reason for not seeing the dentist. There are schedules to balance, kids to take to school, yard work to do and business meetings to attend. So, who has time to spend over an hour at the dentist office? The truth is that if we continue to use this reason, we’ll never find the time to get the dental services we need!

2. Discomfort with dental services. It’s not always a pleasant experience to sit back in a dentist’s chair and have your teeth inspected and cleaned. Sometimes, if we go too long without a visit, more intensive cleaning is needed, and therefore the length of time spent feeling that discomfort is increased.

3. The expectation of pain. Many of us equate dental office visits with the certainty of feeling pain. Maybe that’s because there are sensitive teeth involved, which the dental assistant may not know about until the patient has to respond with a loud “ouch!”. Not every patient is the same, however, and a good dental service provider will consult with the patient first, to learn about their sensitivities.

Even though this list is anecdotal, it reflects very common sentiments surrounding the way we react when we think about having our mouths kept open for medical reasons. Remember that there is a difference between a reason and an excuse, although the line between them may be thin. Think about your health first, and remind yourself of the importance of maintaining good dental health, which includes routine visits to the dentist.


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