Choosing A Pediatric Dentist

Choosing A Pediatric Dentist

Choosing a dentist for children is a decision that should be made with well-informed research and attention given to multiple criteria. With so many pediatric dentists available, how do you go about choosing the right one? Will you children like the office, the experience and the follow-up care? Will you as the parent or guardian like the professionalism, the rates and the bedside manner?

Because there is a lot to consider when choosing a pediatric dentist, here are a few tips to keep in mind. Pediatric dentistry differs from traditional dentistry in that young, developing mouths that are cycling through baby teeth have unique needs, needs that don’t exist at all in the mouths of full-grown adults. Also, the patient psychology is completely different - children view doctors and dentists in a light that is much different from that of an adult. To a child, a visit to the dentist can be something to look forward to ( Do I get a balloon this time like I did last time? Yay! ) or something tantrum-worthy ( Why do I have to go to the mean man who makes my mouth hurt!? ).

Prioritize dental offices that specialize in pediatric dentistry. It’s a generally better experience for kids if they are being taken to a place that is designed, decorated and operated with the child patient in mind. For a child, a regular dentist’s office that is for adults may seem sterile, boring and unwelcoming. If there is a fun name with colorful designs that keep a young mind entertained, there is a higher likelihood that the child will not resist the visit.

Learn more about pediatric dentistry by visiting the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. There are resources available that will help you to make a more informed decision about what services your child or children may need, and and you can learn what dentists near you perform those services. There is also a bevy of information related to caring for little ones’ mouths after their dental appointment. Lastly, if you haven’t had a discussion with your child about their teeth and the importance of seeing the dentist, make it a priority. If children learn why they’re going to the dentist, they’ll be more prone to agreeing to it and not being resistant every time they hear the phrase, “Ok, it’s time to go to the tooth doctor!”.


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