Avoiding The Top 3 Dental Insurance Pitfalls

Avoiding The Top 3 Dental Insurance Pitfalls

The complexity of the dental insurance marketplace can make it difficult to know whether or not you’ll be getting the best dental insurance coverage for your money, or if the coverage you’re getting is actually the best fit for your individual needs. To empower you to make the best decision possible, here are the top three dental insurance pitfalls to avoid. By steering clear of these common mistakes, you’re ensuring your success in your search for the best dental insurance coverage for you.

Pitfall #1: Choosing inadequate coverage. Not all dental insurance coverage is the same, and some procedures that may be covered under one plan may not be covered under another. If you’re someone who has dental health needs that are above and beyond routine cleaning and maintenance, double-check to ensure that the coverage you’re considering addresses every ongoing dental service need you may have.

Pitfall #2: Opting for imbalanced deductibles and premiums. Deductibles and premiums are often inversely proportional to each other. In other words, a lower deductible typically means having a higher monthly premium, whereas a higher deductible typically means having a lower monthly premium. The common pitfall here is not striking the ideal balance, which is something you can arrive at with the right understanding of your insurance policy coverage levels and your monthly budget.

Pitfall #3: Allowing a dental insurance policy to lapse. Not all insurance plans automatically renew, and you may not even know when your dental insurance coverage stops. Be sure to check to see if your dental insurance provider offers automated emails to make you aware of impending coverage terminations. It’s a scary surprise to learn that you need costly dental work when your insurance coverage isn’t current!

Don’t fall victim to the common mistakes some people make when obtaining and using their dental insurance. When properly managed, dental insurance is a critical tool to use in planning and offsetting the cost of keeping your teeth and gums in the best possible condition. Not everyone is going to encounter the same experiences when navigating the multiple dental insurance options available to them, but a little common sense and keeping these tips in mind will go a long way.


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